Soylent Green

He's damn good at it.
Big deal.
Would you believe bodyguards are
buying strawberries for 150 D's a jar?

You'd better report in here right away.
Yes, sir, first thing in the morning.
That was Thorn.
He's a damn good cop.
Appreciate the difficulty, Ed.
But the department wants to cooperate
with the governor's office, right?

Whatever you say, sir.
It looks like a fair-complected man...
...maybe someone close to you,
a protector.

And if we refer back
to this card back here...

...if you look at it, the time sequence
indicates a three-month period.

The cards indicate a secure trend
should follow shortly.

So things are looking up a bit, Kathy.
Thank you.
- Your hair looks beautiful.
- Thank you.

Who is it?
Thorn. Detective Thorn.
I had a few more questions
I wanted to ask.

Having a party?
Just my friends.
It's okay.
