The following conversation
was recorded at 6:15 this morning.
The number being dialed
was identified as MOLlTOR 5901.
-Valmy here.
They know he's a Danish schoolteacher.
They're visiting every hotel in Paris.
The contact was arrested an hour ago.
the information came from this room.
Whose voice was that?
I regret to have to inform you, Minister...
...that it was the voice of a friend of mine.
She's staying with me at the moment.
Excuse me.
-I feel we owe you an apology.
-Thank you.
I must report that the President
will not change his mind.
Excuse me.
It's occurred to me that we've got
two days to catch the Jackal.
What? Why? How do you know?
It was silly of me
not to have seen it before.
Am I right that the President
has no engagements outside the palace...
-...today, tomorrow or Saturday?
And what is Sunday, August 25?
Of course! Liberation Day!
-That's what he's been waiting for.
-We have a little over 48 hours.
We must have been blind, gentlemen.
All we need is the passport
photograph of Per Lundquist.
Copenhagen promised to send it
by this evening's conference.
There is one thing.
How did you know
whose telephone to tap?
I didn't, so I tapped all of them.