not to have any friends or beaus.
After all, my homely cousin Sheila
didn't have any...
and she lived a full and happy life
right up to the day of her suicide.
Heidi. Open up. It's me, Miriam.
I'm locked out.
Open up, please.
Don's here.
We're cramming together.
Miriam, will you please go away?
- What do you mean, go away? I live here.
- Not tonight, you don't.
- You said you'd be out.
- Yes. But...
- So stick to your word.
- Heidi.
I'm wet through and through.
What am I supposed to do?
Dry off.
- Orphan Annie.
- Who, me?
Yeah, you.
What are you doing out here
at 4:00 in the morning?
My roommate's studying for a test.
And she can't study
when anyone's in the room.
So I'm letting her study.