- Orphan Annie.
- Who, me?
Yeah, you.
What are you doing out here
at 4:00 in the morning?
My roommate's studying for a test.
And she can't study
when anyone's in the room.
So I'm letting her study.
Looks like you're loitering to me.
Listen. If I was going to loiter...
I'd loiter somewhere nice and warm
like a bus terminal.
Let me see your ID.
Hold this.
- There are a hundred library cards here.
- My mother's a librarian.
And a card that says
you're an honorary member of the union.
My father's a plumber.
And you're what they produced?
A girl who reads books in the bathroom.
You are not going to run me in
on a 732 or an 817, are you?
I could also nab you on a 432 and a 339.
You couldn't get me on a 432.
That's intention to breaking and entering.
- You would never prove it.
- Where'd you learn police codes?