A Woman Under the Influence

- Is that the best you can do?
- It's the best I can do, Mom.

You see how good this whole thing is?
You see how good it is
we're talkin' like this?

- Do you see how good it is? Do ya?
- Hey, there's the Jensens' car!

Oh, hey, come on. Inside. Come on.
Everybody inside. Let's go.

Come on. Come on, Maria.
Let's go. That's it.

Okay, take off your coats.
Okay, keep down.
Keep down.

Okay. Okay.
Here they come.
Hello! Hello!
- Uh, I'm Harold Jensen. Uh, my son John -
- Yeah, come on inside.

Don't just stand there on the outside.
This is a house where people come in. Hello, hello.

- My wife couldn't make it.
- Oh, yes. Well, I'm sorry.

Tony, you know the kids.
And, uh -And this is Mr. Jensen, right?

¿Cómo está usted?
- He's speaking Spanish.
- Bien, bien.

Hey. Hey. How about that?
Do you want some tea?

No, thank you.
I just thought I'd drop the kids off.

- I have to pick up something down at the stationers.
- Ah.

- You're uncomfortable, aren't you?
- Well, no.

Yeah, you are.
Just a little bit uncomfortable.

Come on. Come on.
Hey. Come on.

Hey, that's a nice ring.
Come on. Come on. A little smile.
Come on. Come on. Let's have some fun.

Hey, that's it. Come on.
Let's have a little fun.
You wanna play with the kids?

All right. Careful, Angela. Don't drop it.
Okay. Here we go.
Okay. That's it, Tony.
Put it right over on the table, honey.

- Wow!
- What do you think, huh? Huh?

- Wow.!
- Yeah.

Okay, put it right next to the punch.
Right on the table. Okay?

- Okay.
- That's it. Be careful.

That's it. That's it.
Terrific. Right there.
Bravo! Great.

Do you dance?
Oh, that's too bad, because -
Hey, kids, it's time to dance.
