A Woman Under the Influence

- Naughty, naughty, naughty.
- Naughty.

- Mabel, everyone here's your friend.
- I got a joke.

- This jo - Oh, Nick, this is funny.
- Mabel, relax and calm down.

Let me tell this one.
And it's nothing bad or anything.

Um, this is a joke, uh, uh...
about a census taker who was, uh...
up in the Ozark Mountains and, uh...
he went up to this -
to this little shack, you know...

and he knocked on the door and -
In the Ozarks? In the Ozarks?
- Yeah. Like any kind of mountains.
- I know that joke.

- Kind of a hillbilly.
- We know the joke.

- We don't know it.
- Well, I know it.

That's funny.
That's very funny.
Too -Too exciting.
Too much excitement.

Do you like it, Nick?
Uh, uh...
- It's all right.
- Then, uh...

- Hold on, Mabel.
- Come on.

he said-
Relax. Be calm.
You must pay the rent.
You must pay the rent.

- You must pay the rent today.
- Funny.

I can't pay the rent. I can't pay the rent.
I can't pay the rent today.

You must pay the rent.
You must pay the rent.

You must pay the rent today.
I can't pay the rent. I can't pay the rent.
I can't pay the rent today.

I'll pay the rent.
My hero.
Curses. Foiled again.

That's enough of that. No more.
No more jokes.
That's enough. All right. Sit down.

Sit down.
All right. That's the end of the jokes.

Sit down!
That's the end of the jokes!

Now we kill the jokes,
and we just talk!

"Hello, how are you?" Conversation.
Weather. Conversation.
