A Woman Under the Influence

Relax. Be calm.
You must pay the rent.
You must pay the rent.

- You must pay the rent today.
- Funny.

I can't pay the rent. I can't pay the rent.
I can't pay the rent today.

You must pay the rent.
You must pay the rent.

You must pay the rent today.
I can't pay the rent. I can't pay the rent.
I can't pay the rent today.

I'll pay the rent.
My hero.
Curses. Foiled again.

That's enough of that. No more.
No more jokes.
That's enough. All right. Sit down.

Sit down.
All right. That's the end of the jokes.

Sit down!
That's the end of the jokes!

Now we kill the jokes,
and we just talk!

"Hello, how are you?" Conversation.
Weather. Conversation.
Look what's talking about conversation.

He doesn't know how to
put two words together.

Conversation. "How are you?"
It's conversation. "What have you been doing?"

- Jokes are conversation.
- "Who did you see?" It's conversation.

Yes. Oh, she likes pretty clothes.
- Normal conversation.
- What normal conversation?

- Stay out of this.
- I will not.

- Normal talk. Conversation. Weather.
- Let her tell jokes. She's good.

- "How are you?" "Where you been?" "Hello."
- Let her tell stories.

- "Too hot." "Too cold."
- Don't you understand?

I don't know how to make it. At the hospital,
they come in every morning and give you a shot.

Please, Mabel, don't talk about those things.
Then the nurse takes you
to the toilet, and they, uh-

Then you, uh, go to, uh, uh...
work therapy,
where they teach you games...

and-and how to weave things.
And, uh, they gave us shock treatments...
which are- Those are where electricity goes
through your head and is supposed to-

Be yourself.
Be yourself.
Go ahead.
