Animals Are Beautiful People

:30:02 apparently, Mother Nature
has played a nasty trick on him.

But to make up for it,
she painted phony teeth on his lips...

...and she taught him to put up
such an act of ferocity...

...that he can even intimidate an elephant.
That intricate winding movement
makes him look twice his size...

...and lets his scales make
an angry rasping sound as they rub together.

He pretends to strike viciously,
but he has to make sure he misses...

...otherwise his enemy will find out
that he has no teeth.

But his act is so good
that no one ever calls his bluff...

...and everyone believes
he's very dangerous.

A baboon will eat every creepy-crawly
thing he can find under rocks...

...but if he should come across
an egg-eater snake...

...he'll fall down in a dead faint.
And would you believe it, he looks
under the same rock and faints again.

Sometimes he's sorry he got married,
because she's always cleaning house.

He wants a girlfriend,
and that's his way of advertising.

He knows if there's a lady tapping beetle
within half a mile...

...she'll hear him and answer back.
So all day and all night,
he taps and listens, taps and listens...

...because tapping beetles
are scarce here...

...and he has a long
and lonely quest ahead of him.

The backfiring beetle doesn't use his rear
end for tapping. He uses it to defend himself.
