Animals Are Beautiful People

Sometimes he's sorry he got married,
because she's always cleaning house.

He wants a girlfriend,
and that's his way of advertising.

He knows if there's a lady tapping beetle
within half a mile...

...she'll hear him and answer back.
So all day and all night,
he taps and listens, taps and listens...

...because tapping beetles
are scarce here...

...and he has a long
and lonely quest ahead of him.

The backfiring beetle doesn't use his rear
end for tapping. He uses it to defend himself.

His ammunition is a stinging acid, and he
always hits his enemy right in the eye.

These are some of the animals
who are at home in the Pre-Namib.

They've accepted the hardships
of the changing planet and seem to enjoy...

:32:29 in this arid land where the rain
sometimes stays away for years.

In the southern part of the Pre-Namib,
billions of seeds...

...lie waiting for years in the dust
of the desert floor.

When the rain comes at last,
a miraculous transformation happens.

The desert covers itself in a wall-to-wall
carpet, and an incredible variety...

...of flowers celebrate the coming
of the life-giving moisture.
