
- Did you talk to him this morning?
- No.

I went riding rather early.
- It looks like you went quite a distance.
- I was riding bareback.

You might try the Oak Pass
or the Stone Canyon Reservoir.

He often takes walks.
Otherwise he'll be home by 6:30.

- I'll stop by.
- Please call first.

Sorry, closed to public.
That's all right, officer...
Russ Yelburton,
Deputy Chief of the department.

Sorry, Mr Yelburton.
Go on down.

- Gittes, get out before he sees you.
- Loach, what's going on?

- Hello, Jake.
- Lou. How are you?

Lousy cold I can't seem to shake,
but otherwise I'm okay.

- Summer colds are the worst.
- Yeah, they are.

- There's no smoking here.
- We'll make an exception this time.

I'll see he's careful with the matches
and doesn't burn himself.

How'd you get past the guard?
To tell you the truth, I lied a little.
- You look like you've done well.
- I get by.
