Effi Briest

Except one's own, of course.
l don't know how you can
say such a thing, Briest.

lt's news to me that you
have suffered from marriage.

l can't imagine why.
Let's not talk about us.
We didn't even have a honeymoon!
Your father was against it.
But Effi is going on honeymoon.
How l envy her!
On the ten o'clock train, off they went!
They must be...
somewhere near Regensburg by now.
l imagine he'll describe...
the treasures of the Valhalla,
without alighting, of course.

lnnstetten is...
an excellent person...
but a bit of an art fiend.
Whereas Effi...
our poor Effi is a child of nature.
l'm afraid he'll torment her...
with his enthusiasm for art.
All men torment their wives.
There are worse things
than a passion for art.

You're right.
We don't want to quarrel over that.
lt's much too vast a subject.
And every person's different.
You would have been in your element.
You'd have suited lnnstetten
far better than Effi.

A pity! Now it's too late.
The other things will be sent on.
