Effi Briest

our poor Effi is a child of nature.
l'm afraid he'll torment her...
with his enthusiasm for art.
All men torment their wives.
There are worse things
than a passion for art.

You're right.
We don't want to quarrel over that.
lt's much too vast a subject.
And every person's different.
You would have been in your element.
You'd have suited lnnstetten
far better than Effi.

A pity! Now it's too late.
The other things will be sent on.
Thank you.
Off we go, Kruse!
They are dependent
on the regions they trade with...

and since they have
connections throughout the world...

you'll find people among them
from all over the world...

even in our good old Kessin,
although it's out in the sticks.

But it's delightful, Geert.
You always speak of ''the sticks''...
but l find a whole new world to discover.
All sorts of exotic things.
That's what you really meant?
