And l don't want to.
l don't want to exculpate anyone.
But you, Crampas...
you have learned discipline...
and know very well
that law and order are vital.
A man like you
really shouldn't talk like that...
not even in jest.
You have a sublime disregard
for these things.
''lt won't be the end of the world,'' you think.
Not yet, perhaps...
but one day it will be.
The eIection campaign,
which began in October...
prevented Innstetten taking part
in further excursions.
Crampas and Effi wouId have stopped, too...
in deference to the peopIe of Kessin...
if Kruse had not been present
as a kind of chaperone.
As it was, they continued
their rides into November.
A good conversationaIist...
Crampas wouId teII stories
about war and his regiment...
and anecdotes about Innstetten...
who, with his earnestness and reserve...
had never fitted into
the spirited circIe of his comrades...
so that he had been respected
rather than heId in affection.
lt's just as well, respect is the main thing.
He loved to tell us ghost stories.
And when he had got us all excited,
and had scared some people perhaps...
suddenly, it would seem as if he were
just making fun of our credulity.
Once l told him to his face...
''lnnstetten, that's a load of poppycock!
''You don't believe it any more than we do...
''but you want to make yourself interesting.
''You think that being unusual
will help your career...
''that ordinary people
are not wanted at the top.