Effi Briest

and anecdotes about Innstetten...
who, with his earnestness and reserve...
had never fitted into
the spirited circIe of his comrades...

so that he had been respected
rather than heId in affection.

lt's just as well, respect is the main thing.
He loved to tell us ghost stories.
And when he had got us all excited,
and had scared some people perhaps...

suddenly, it would seem as if he were
just making fun of our credulity.

Once l told him to his face...
''lnnstetten, that's a load of poppycock!
''You don't believe it any more than we do...
''but you want to make yourself interesting.
''You think that being unusual
will help your career...

''that ordinary people
are not wanted at the top.

''And since that's your ambition...
''you've hit on something
out of the ordinary, namely ghosts.''

You say nothing?
ln all seriousness, Crampas,
and l should like a serious reply...

how do you explain all this?
My dear lady...
as well as furthering his career,
regardless of cost...

and with the aid of a ghost if necessary...
lnnstetten has another passion.
He has an urge to be didactic.
He's a born schoolmaster.
And he wants to educate me?
Education by means of ghosts?
''Educate'' is perhaps the wrong word.
