Effi Briest

''And since that's your ambition...
''you've hit on something
out of the ordinary, namely ghosts.''

You say nothing?
ln all seriousness, Crampas,
and l should like a serious reply...

how do you explain all this?
My dear lady...
as well as furthering his career,
regardless of cost...

and with the aid of a ghost if necessary...
lnnstetten has another passion.
He has an urge to be didactic.
He's a born schoolmaster.
And he wants to educate me?
Education by means of ghosts?
''Educate'' is perhaps the wrong word.
But education in a roundabout way.
l don't understand you.
A young wife...
is a young wife...
and a district councillor...
has to travel around a lot...
which means leaving his house alone...
and unguarded.
A ghost is like an angel with a sword.
The fact that Innstetten kept a ghost...
so as not to Iive in a commonpIace house,
might be accepted.

It met his need to distinguish
himseIf from the crowd.

But to use the ghost
as a means of education...

was mean, aImost insuIting.
And she reaIized
that this ''means of education''...

was not even haIf the story.
What Crampas had impIied
went much further.
