Then these things happened
when you were still in Kessin...
-six or more years ago?
It seems aImost, WuIIersdorf...
as if those 6 or 7 years
make you think differentIy.
There is a theory of Iimitations, of course...
but I'm not sure this is a case
where that theory can be appIied.
I don't know either.
But everything wouId seem
to turn on that question.
Are you serious?
AbsoIuteIy serious.
It's not a matter of jeu d'esprit...
or for sophistry.
What do you mean by that?
Tell me frankly. How do you see the matter?
You're in a terrible situation.
Your happiness is destroyed.
But if you kill the lover...
your happiness will be doubly destroyed.
The pain you have suffered...
will be compounded
by the pain you have caused.
lt all turns on the question,
do you have to do it?
Do you feel so injured, insulted, incensed...
that one of you must die, he or you?
ls that the position?
l don't know.
You have to know.
No, that's not how it is.
How is it then?
The thing is...
I'm desperateIy unhappy.
I've been injured and shamefuIIy deceived.
I harbour no feeIings of hatred.
I don't even thirst for revenge.
And if l ask myself why not...
all l can say is, the time that has passed.
People always talk about inexpiable guilt.