The pain you have suffered...
will be compounded
by the pain you have caused.
lt all turns on the question,
do you have to do it?
Do you feel so injured, insulted, incensed...
that one of you must die, he or you?
ls that the position?
l don't know.
You have to know.
No, that's not how it is.
How is it then?
The thing is...
I'm desperateIy unhappy.
I've been injured and shamefuIIy deceived.
I harbour no feeIings of hatred.
I don't even thirst for revenge.
And if l ask myself why not...
all l can say is, the time that has passed.
People always talk about inexpiable guilt.
ln God's eyes, that is wrong,
and in man's eyes, too.
l would never have believed
that time could have such an effect.
What is more...
l love my wife.
Strange as it may seem, l still love her...
and however terrible l find these things...
I am so captivated by her good nature...
and her own serene charm...
that, in spite of myseIf,
in my heart of hearts...
I'm incIined to forgive her.
Can understand you entirely.
Might feel the same way myself.
But if that's how you feel, and you say:
''l love this woman so much
l can forgive everything''...
and if one considers
that this happened long, long ago...
like something on a distant star...
if that's the case, lnnstetten, l ask you...
does it have to be?
What's the good of it?