and ourselves.
One cannot contravene them...
without society despising us.
We wouId come to despise ourseIves, too...
and uItimateIy bIow our brains out.
Forgive my holding forth like this
and merely saying...
what everyone has said
to himself a hundred times.
But then...
who can really say anything new?
I repeat...
it's not a matter of hatred
or personaI happiness.
That tyrannicaI sociaI eIement...
is not concerned with charm or Iove...
or the Iapse of time.
I have no choice.
I simpIy have to.
I'm not so sure, Innstetten.
You must decide, WuIIersdorf.
It's ten o'cIock now.
Six hours ago, I admit...
I stiII had a free hand.
There was stiII a way out.
But not any Ionger. I'm in a bIind aIIey.
I've onIy myseIf to bIame, you might say.
l should have been more on my guard,
kept everything to myself...
fought it out in my own heart.
But it all came too suddenly
for me to give myself the blame...
for not having kept my nerves under control.
l went to your place and wrote you a note...
and in doing so relinquished control.
From that moment...
someone else was half-aware
of my misfortune...
and, more importantly,
of the stain on my honour...
and with this discussion,
that person is now fully aware.
And since there is such a person...
there's no going back.
I wouIdn't say that.
I don't Iike using trite phrases...
but I know no better way of putting it.
l'll be as silent as the grave.