She bit my arm.
That child's becoming a monster.
You can't imagine. Whining
and demanding attention...
and shrieking those same stupid
jump-rope chants day and night.
Give me that jump rope.
Where is it?
I'll get that rope.
Oh, thanks, honey.
-Give me those scissors.
I've about had it
with this jump rope.
That's the last time...
she's gonna jump
with this goddamn thing.
Ah! I hate it!
I'm glad I had an abortion.
Maybe she needs more punishment.
I've done everything
a mother can do.
I've locked her in her room.
I've beat her
with the car aerial.
Nothing changes her.
It's hard being a loving mother.
I give her free food,
a bed, clean underpants.
What does she expect?
I can't beat her little
baby butt all the time.
Just get your hair done
and you'll feel better.
That's what I always do
when I get depressed.
Maybe I will.
I'll tell ya, the Lipstick
Beauty Salon is the best.
They only let, well, you know,
special girls in.
You have to audition
to even get your hair done.
And there's this guy
that does hair there.
I'd suck the socks
off him in a minute.
Yeah, Gator's his name,
and you know what?
He lives right next-door.
Wonder what his story is.
Maybe he's a...
Shelly Chaser.
Aunt lda. Aunt lda.
You really like it?
Yeah. All right, Aunt lda.
Aunt lda! Aunt lda, all right.
Don't you look sweet.
Yeah! Aunt lda.
Yeah! All right, Aunt lda.
Don't you look hot today?
Why, thank ya, honey.
I feel more...
...more comfortable.
Pour me a drink, would ya?