They only let, well, you know,
special girls in.
You have to audition
to even get your hair done.
And there's this guy
that does hair there.
I'd suck the socks
off him in a minute.
Yeah, Gator's his name,
and you know what?
He lives right next-door.
Wonder what his story is.
Maybe he's a...
Shelly Chaser.
Aunt lda. Aunt lda.
You really like it?
Yeah. All right, Aunt lda.
Aunt lda! Aunt lda, all right.
Don't you look sweet.
Yeah! Aunt lda.
Yeah! All right, Aunt lda.
Don't you look hot today?
Why, thank ya, honey.
I feel more...
...more comfortable.
Pour me a drink, would ya?
Sure, Aunt lda.
What would you like?
Have you met
any nice boys in the salon?
They're all pretty nice.
I mean any nice queer boys.
Do you fool with any of 'em?
Aunt lda, you know I dig women.
Aw, don't tell me that.
Christ, let's not
go through this again.
All those beauticians, and you
don't have any boy dates?
I don't want any boy dates.
Oh, honey, I'd be so happy
if you'd turn nellie.
There ain't no way.
I'm straight.
I mean, I like
a lot of queers...
but I don't dig
their equipment, you know?
I like women.
But you could change.
Queers are just better.
I'd be so proud
if you was a fag...
and had a nice
beautician boyfriend.
I'd never have to worry.
There ain't nothin'
to worry about.
I worry that you'll work
in an office, have children...
celebrate wedding anniversaries.
The world of heterosexual
is a sick and boring life.