That was Mr. Dasher, Dawn.
He want to see you in private.
No one has ever
been back there before.
It must be something big.
Oh, and I look a mess.
Get fixed up, hon.
Oh...thanks a lot, Vikki.
Good luck.
Hi, Sally. Hi, Concetta.
Hey, Wink.
Hi. Well, good-bye.
I've got to go.
I can't talk to you now.
I've got to go see Mr. Dasher.
See you later.
Come in.
In here.
Good to see you, Dawn.
Hello, Mr. Dasher.
It's a privilege
to have you here.
A sip of soda?
Oh, thank you.
Hmm. But I don't
understand this honor.
You will in time,
Miss Davenport.
Have a seat, won't you?
Oh, thank you.
My wife and l--and please...
do call us Donald
and Donna from now on...
are wondering if you
wouldn't be interested...
in becoming involved
in show business.
Show business?!
Well, sort of show business.
You see, Dawn, we're planning
a little experiment...
a beauty experiment,
you could call it...
and we want you
to be our model.
Sort of a glamorous
guinea pig, you might say.
A beauty experiment?
You see, my husband and l...
enjoy taking pictures
a great deal.
We'd like you to pose
for some rather unusual shots.
Oh-ho, you mean pornography.
Certainly not!
Sex is not one
of our interests.
As a matter of fact...
one of the rules
you must always obey...
is to never mention
the sex act in front of us.
We find the subject
most repellent...
and we must ask you to observe
this rule at all times.
You should know that we view sex
as a violation of the spirit...
and we would certainly never
allow ourselves to be caught...
in one of those
ludicrous positions.
Oh, of course,
of course. I'm so sorry.
I really didn't know.
Are you still a thief, Dawn?
Yes, I am. Not as much
as I used to be...
but I still rob houses.
With those other two?