Vikki, this is Mr. Dasher.
Uh, please fire Gator.
No reason. Yes.
Tell him no reason at all.
Look who's coming out now.
Hey, fatso, I want
to talk to you a second.
Just speak to my attorney.
Hey! Did you get me fired?
Maybe I did,
and maybe I didn't.
Shut up!
Look out!
Look out! Look out!
How many times
have I told you...
to play car accident
Oh! Oh, mother!
It was a horrible accident!
Look at my friend!
She was in the death seat...
and her head got caught
in the windshield!
Oh, the ambulance should
be here soon, I think.
I'm OK...I guess...
Oh! It wasn't my fault!
The other car
came out of nowhere...
and l--I slammed
on the brakes.
Look at this mess, Taffy!
Broken glass and ketchup
all over my fine furniture!
Call another ambulance!
Call anybody!
Help me...
Where did you
get this crap, Taffy?
I told you to spend that money
I gave you on a cute outfit.
But oh, no!
as soon as my back is turned...
you run right out
and spend it on props...
for your morbid little games.
Well, I want it
cleaned up, pronto!
We're having guests
for dinner...
and I want you
on tiptop behavior...
and looking as p-r-e-t-t-y
as humanly possible.
Who's coming to dinner?
Donald and Donna Dasher
are going to join us...
for a small, informal buffet.
And if you dare to embarrass me
in front of them...
If I have to eat with Gator,
I'll spit food!
I'm afraid I'm going
to have to be the one...
to break the news
to you, Taffy.