It's really been building up
over the past couple of months.
- And--
- Am I going to be able to be there?
Of course you're going to be there.
I'm gonna try to get Ronnie there, too.
"Cause you know what
I feel about the army.
These people holding their heads high
because they lost a son...
in Vietnam or something.
I don't think
that's much to be proud of.
They've lost more than they'll ever gain
for the rest of their lives.
And I remember
I was sitting at the base of the hill,
and I was on one of the tanks.
And I had an M-16,
and I had stacks of magazines.
And there were two guys, you know,
that were going through,
like, some grass and bam!
I dinged in on one of'em,
and I nailed him, you know.
And the Aussie with me confirmed,
you know, that I dinged him.
And I felt good.
And I wanted more.
And it wasn't that I wanted more
for politics or anything like that.
No. I couldn't of cared
if they were whatever.
I just wanted them because
they were the opposition, the enemy.
Stinking little savages.
Wipe 'em out, I say.
Wipe 'em out.
Wipe 'em off the face of the earth!
Will we ever understand
these Eastern races?
Hit me, Poon Soon.
You hideous yellow monster!
I wanted to go out
and kill some gooks, you know?
I-I really--I-I don't know. I guess
I had been totally brainwashed,
because I could remember when
people used to call me "blanket ass''...
or "chief'
and they still did, you know?
I think my name was, uh,
Ira Hayes in boot camp.
Either Ira Hayes or squaw, depending on
what mood the drill instructor was in.
But there I was, you know,
saying I wanted to go kill some gooks.