And I felt good.
And I wanted more.
And it wasn't that I wanted more
for politics or anything like that.
No. I couldn't of cared
if they were whatever.
I just wanted them because
they were the opposition, the enemy.
Stinking little savages.
Wipe 'em out, I say.
Wipe 'em out.
Wipe 'em off the face of the earth!
Will we ever understand
these Eastern races?
Hit me, Poon Soon.
You hideous yellow monster!
I wanted to go out
and kill some gooks, you know?
I-I really--I-I don't know. I guess
I had been totally brainwashed,
because I could remember when
people used to call me "blanket ass''...
or "chief'
and they still did, you know?
I think my name was, uh,
Ira Hayes in boot camp.
Either Ira Hayes or squaw, depending on
what mood the drill instructor was in.
But there I was, you know,
saying I wanted to go kill some gooks.
They were instructed
to remove the eyes of the individual...
and place them in a hole
in the middle of the back,
and that would say to the Vietnamese,
you have to understand,
uh, that whoever did that
was ubiquitous.
In other words,
the eye being the symbol of ubiquity,
uh, or of all-present, all-powerfulness
on the part of the Saigon government.
Which is an easy message
for the local villagers to get.
In fact, the American advisors didn't
have that much of a stomach for it.
So they used to use CBS logos.
You know, the eye of CBS?
And they would kill the individual
and then they would leave him...
with kind of a calling card on him.
At one point, I was invited to go along
on an airborne interrogation...
in a helicopter with the marines
northwest of Da Nang.
And they took along
two Vietnamese.
And one was already reduced
by beatings with a rubber hose...
and some other methods
of, uh, beating and torture...
to the point where he couldn"t talk,
he couldn"t respond.
As an example to the one
they wanted to question, they"d say,