Can we make it be no more?
We can forestall fate,
deflect the menace.
There is no menace.
You all imagine it.
Yield, Guinevere.
l yield; l humble myself.
To think yourself responsible
for everything is not humility.
Are you, then, the enemy?
l am the one created to help you
who will go with you through the void,
the darkness.
l am your strength.
You said, ''Without Guinevere,
there would be no Lancelot.''
l wish to be alone.
You are alone in your pride.
Pride in what is not yours is a falsehood.
l was to bring back the Grail.
lt was not the Grail.
lt was God you all wanted.
God is no trophy to bear home.
You were all implacable.
You killed, pillaged, burned.
Then you turned blindly on each other
like maniacs.
Now you blame our love
for this disaster.
And l am to destroy this love
which cost us so much to preserve?
l will not.
lt is not what you want that matters.
l cannot.