You are alone in your pride.
Pride in what is not yours is a falsehood.
l was to bring back the Grail.
lt was not the Grail.
lt was God you all wanted.
God is no trophy to bear home.
You were all implacable.
You killed, pillaged, burned.
Then you turned blindly on each other
like maniacs.
Now you blame our love
for this disaster.
And l am to destroy this love
which cost us so much to preserve?
l will not.
lt is not what you want that matters.
l cannot.
Neither is it this happiness you seek
that matters.
ls it happiness that devours my soul?
Who am l not to throw myself at your feet?
l do not ask to love you.
ls it my fault l cannot live without you?
That l need you?
l do not live for Arthur.
Just say,
''For you, l prefer death to life.''
Then l shall consent;
all becomes easy.
That is impossible.
Happy is he who knows
why he sacrifices himself.
But you know.
God cannot separate us.
lf l surrender, it is to you alone.