Az Andrenyi Grófot es Gröfnét
mindig szívesen látom.
A 12-tes.
Mrs. Hubbard.
It's always an honor to greet you.
You have your favorite number, 11.
Ecco, Signor Bianchi.
Numero nove. Come sempre.
Grazie, Pierre. I understand
that you are full up.
It's unbelievable, signor.
All the world elects to travel tonight.
Nonetheless, you must find room
for Monsieur Poirot here.
Monsieur Hercule Poirot?
- The famous...
- Precisely.
And he is also a personal
friend of mine.
Please be so good as to direct...
Fröken Ohlsson, god afton!
Plats nummer sju.
Something is lost?
My little medal of St. Christopher,
to bring me luck and deliver...