What a funny little man.
Obviously a frog.
Merci, Pierre, and could you please
inform the Princess Dragomiroff
that Signor Bianchi and I will attend
on her and her maid
- shortly in her compartment?
- Oui, monsieur.
That is very proper.
Monsieur le Comte, this is
a Hungarian diplomatic passport.
It gives you and your wife
the right to refuse interrogation.
In the circumstances,
we waive that right.
You are most kind.
As you know,
Madame la Comtesse,
it is a joint passport which sets out
your husband's name and titles,
but requires no particulars
about yourself,
except your signature
and your maiden name.
Your maiden name
is clearly Grunwald.
That is correct, monsieur.
My family is of German extraction,
though I now hold
Hungarian citizenship.
Unfortunately, the first letter
of your married signature
has been almost obliterated
by a grease spot.
I must say, I find immigration officials
are often less than cleanly. They...
They sit in their little box,
eating a buttered roll with one hand
and stamping the spilt butter
into your passport with the other.
Precisely. Therefore,
I would be greatly obliged
if you could duplicate
the mutilated entry of your passport
It can be important.
...between East and West, where you
can eat the finest Oriental food.
Elena Andrenyi née Grunwald.
Good evening, sir.
This way, please.
Ecco finalmente un amico.
Monsieur Poirot.
How are you, my friend?
Allowing for the difference in pens,
the duplication seems exact.
- Good to see you.
- You have saved me from apoplexy.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
There would be little point, then,
in asking
You have not dined well.
whether this handkerchief is yours?
The skewers are of better quality
than the kebab.
Since it contains neither of my initials,
no point whatsoever, monsieur.
The bottle is more
distinguished than its wine.
And the coffee.
And even less point in asking
the color of your dressing gown?
Fortunately, I have been called
to London. I leave tonight.
None, unless monsieur takes
a professional interest in apricot silk?
- On the Orient Express?
- How else?