Ne, not till morning, in my bed gown.
The... The crossing
should be pleasant.
The Bosporus is always calm.
Is your bed gown white
with red animals?
You have crossed by the ferry?
Ne, is Jaeger.
And Miss Debenham's bed gown?
Den var em lila.
- Oh, like the French "lilas", "lilac".
- Ja.
Welcome, Colonel Arbu...
- Just det lila, just det lila.
- Lila, lila.
Arbu... Arbut...
Good. And why are you making
this trip, Miss Ohlsson?
Just as always, money,
money for mission.
The Bosporus Ferry will shortly
depart for Istanbul Sirkeci Station,
Good. Good.
connecting with the Orient Express.
When this is all over, mademoiselle,
I promise that I shall make you
an emolument.
God will find you a reward.
Not now.
Tack så mycket. Tack. Tack.
Not now. When it's all over.
When it's behind us. Then.
Monsieur, she did it.
What a funny little man.
Obviously a frog.
Merci, Pierre, and could you please
inform the Princess Dragomiroff
that Signor Bianchi and I will attend
on her and her maid
- shortly in her compartment?
- Oui, monsieur.
That is very proper.
Monsieur le Comte, this is
a Hungarian diplomatic passport.
It gives you and your wife
the right to refuse interrogation.
In the circumstances,
we waive that right.
You are most kind.
As you know,
Madame la Comtesse,
it is a joint passport which sets out
your husband's name and titles,
but requires no particulars
about yourself,
except your signature
and your maiden name.
Your maiden name
is clearly Grunwald.
That is correct, monsieur.
My family is of German extraction,
though I now hold
Hungarian citizenship.
Unfortunately, the first letter
of your married signature
has been almost obliterated
by a grease spot.
I must say, I find immigration officials
are often less than cleanly. They...