Why did you not ask her
if she had been to America?
Who is it?
Because I did not need to.
It's me, sir, Beddoes,
with your sedative.
Pierre, le colonel
s'excuse de son geste.
Come in.
Merci, monsieur.
Signor Foscarelli.
Thank you, Pierre. Good night.
Good night, monsieur,
and pleasant dreams in number nine.
You are a naturalized
American subject?
- You bet.
- For how long?
Seven years. Mi ricordo del
giorno preciso quando...
- How many drops?
- Of the valerian?
Faccia di rispondere
alle domande.
- Two, sir, as you said.
- OK.
Otherwise, he will detain you
longer than you would detain him.
You are a motorcar salesman.
No, no. Put it on the table.
You bet.
American automobiles to Italians.
Did you know Cassetti?
Not on your sweet life.
Era Mafioso.
And tell Mr. McQueen I want
to see the text of the telegram
he sent from Belgrade.
He says he was Mafia.
- Really?
- Yes.
Who do you...?
Who do you think killed him?
Very well, sir.
- Un altro Mafioso.
- He says another Mafia.
They are always killing each
other with a knife or with a gun...
He wants you.
Why did you bring
this dagger from the place?
Because I found it
in my makeup bag.
Ecco, what did I say?
Knives or guns. It's a vendetta
between two Mafiosi.
Give me the dagger.
When did you last open
your makeup bag?
Yesterday evening,
when I took everything out.
Come in.
If you took everything out,
why did you need to reopen it?
Because I was putting
something back in.
You may set your mind at rest,
Mrs. Hubbard.
- The missing button.
- Precisely,
and I can assure you the owner
of the tunic is not now on the train.
Are you going back
to the dining car?
I'll say I am. Do you think
I could face my compartment
so soon after that?
Would you kindly ask
the chief attendant
to arrange the tables and chairs
so that Signor Bianchi,