Yeah, I'm sorry.
Yeah, there's just one thing.
How did you...
...figure out Ratchett's identity?
By a message found
in his compartment.
He'd have burnt that, though,
as I told you.
He did.
Yeah, he did.
- Then how did you decipher...?
- With the help of a hatbox.
Thank you, Mr. McQueen.
He did it.
He murdered Cassetti.
He practically confessed as much.
No, the psychology is wrong.
A sensitive, motherless boy
conceives a passion for a lady
whom he admires above all
for her gentleness.
Now, could McQueen,
admiring the gentleness,
commit so foul a murder
without betraying the gentleness
of what we might call
his fairy godmother?
Now you have accidentally
said something valuable.
Mr. Beddoes, this is not
an inquisition, only an inquiry.
When you took Mr. Ratchett
his valerian drops
about 9:40 yesterday evening,
was he already in bed?
That is so, sir. Mr. Ratchett
always retired early on trains.
What were your duties before
leaving him for the night?
To place the valerian drops
within reach, sir.
- Beddoes.
- Sir?
Did you put this on my table
during dinner?
- No, sir.
- Then who the hell did?
I have no idea, sir.
May I ask what it is?
What it is, is none
of your damn business.
I wanna know how it got here.
Ce n'est rien.
C'etait un cauchemar.
- Will there be anything more, sir?
- There will.
Tell Mr. McQueen
I wanna see him, now.
Bien, Mr. Ratchett.
May you now have
pleasant dreams.
Very well, sir.