who handled the Armstrong case.
"Only five, repeat,
five beakers were delivered.
Mrs. Armstrong and her husband
came to our house twice
"One, repeat, one badly chipped,
for advice about the ransom money.
"which will be returned
on receipt of replacement
She was gentle and frightened.
"to my Paris address.
But not too frightened to take
an interest in a young man
"Signed, Ratchett."
who wanted to go on the stage.
OK, Hector, that's all.
She even said she'd write to...
She died before
she got around to that.
Good night, Mr. Ratchett.
She was as helpful
to me as a...
Good night, Hector.
Well, a mother.
Forgive a Freudian question.
- Do you love your mother?
- I did.
She died when I was 8.
An impressionable age.
- Why do you ask?
- We shared a compartment
on the first night of our journey.
You cried out to your mother
twice in your sleep.
Did I?
I still dream about her.
Go on. Tell me.
I'm emotionally retarded.
Tell me that's why
I never married.
I am not here to tell you anything,
Mr. McQueen. You are here to tell me.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Yeah, there's just one thing.
How did you...
...figure out Ratchett's identity?
By a message found
in his compartment.
He'd have burnt that, though,
as I told you.
He did.
Yeah, he did.
- Then how did you decipher...?
- With the help of a hatbox.
Thank you, Mr. McQueen.
He did it.
He murdered Cassetti.
He practically confessed as much.
No, the psychology is wrong.
A sensitive, motherless boy
conceives a passion for a lady
whom he admires above all
for her gentleness.
Now, could McQueen,
admiring the gentleness,
commit so foul a murder
without betraying the gentleness
of what we might call
his fairy godmother?