In 10 or 20 years,
historians will decide
which events of this year '62
were of greatest importance.
There is no doubt
that the first American in space,
on February 20, was a milestone
in space exploration.
And withdrawal
of Russian missiles from Cuba,
or Algerian Independence ratified
by the Evian Summit on March 18,
delayed the prospect of any war.
But in some way,
without going against all the major
historical events of this year,
Marilyn Monroe's suicide
on that August 4th evening,
is a major event
of the year '62.
Marilyn's death is not only
the tragic end of a star,
or of the Hollywood movie industry.
It's also the end of a certain society
whose happiness
was based on materialism.
Tonight at 7:00 PM, George Leroy
will discuss what this death represents
amid the despair present
in the works of The Beat Generation,
such as Bob Dylan,
Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.
For now, here is a newsbreak
of a different kind:
An unusual escape
from the Santé Prison.
The inmate took advantage
of trash collection,
got in the back of the garbage truck
and left the prison with ease,
unarmed, unassisted
and without any rope. Well done!
And now we would like
to return to Marilyn.
Let's listen to one of her records,
which I am sure
will move our audience.
Here is the voice
of Marilyn.