with a southern exposure.
Follow me.
For two days, you've touted
the southern exposure,
- What does that mean?
- It means facing the sun...
Facing the sea...
- Facing the sun, very good.
- Very nice, thank you.
This is the first office.
What kind of company
do you have?
- Incorporated.
- Incorporated? !
We make commercials.
Soon it will be movies.
"All that money can buy
is luxuries
to be unhappy with,
a first-class funeral,
alimony for a divorce.
If we had to pay for a divorce
before getting married,
would stay single.
And if funerals
had to be paid for at birth,
the human race
would be near extinct."
"After her divorce,
she really hated money lovers.
She had nothing
against money.
She just didn't like
how the rich used it.
Between waste and greed,
there wasn't much choice."
What are you thinking?
With you, I don't think.
I only have to touch you.
Okay, Annie. Wait.
Remember when
you said that to me?
Your voice sort of trembled.
That's what I'd like to hear.
- Okay, I'll tremble.
- Perfect!
You're fine.
Don't change a thing.
You been an actor long?
For three generations.
We're all actors from father to son.
That's nice.
On your marks, everybody.
After the kiss,
he could drink a glass of Ricard.
no more commercials, ever!
Does your masterpiece suffer
if the guy drinks a Ricard?
Do you like what you see
in the mirror every day?
It would have paid
for a week's shooting.
Everybody ready?
Let's go.
- Okay, ready!
- Rolling!
Scene 13, take 2.