Does it please you to sleep?
- Yes.
I have dreams.
Sleep was necessary fo rman...
when his waking and unconscious
lives were separated.
As Eternals achieved total consciousness,
sleep became obsolete and Second Level
meditation took its place.
Sleep was closely connected with death.
Look at it. It's you.
Your genetic structure.
Your life chart.
You are a Mutant.
Second, maybe third generation.
Therefore, genetically stable.
Enlarged brain.
Total recall.
Your potential is...
- Your breeding potential...
- Breeding?
Frayn. How did you get into the Vortex?
What is your purpose?
I'm just an Exterminator. I know nothing
You must know that you're mentally
and physically vastly superior
to me or anyone else here.
You could be anything.
Could do... anything.
- You must be destroyed.
- Why?
- Because you could destroy us.
- As you've destroyed the rest of life?
Can you un-know what
you know now about me?
For the sake of science, I will keep
this knowledge from the others
for the moment.
Keep you alive.
But you must follow me, obey me,