
Enlarged brain.
Total recall.
Your potential is...
- Your breeding potential...
- Breeding?

Frayn. How did you get into the Vortex?
What is your purpose?

I'm just an Exterminator. I know nothing
You must know that you're mentally
and physically vastly superior

to me or anyone else here.
You could be anything.
Could do... anything.
- You must be destroyed.
- Why?

- Because you could destroy us.
- As you've destroyed the rest of life?

Can you un-know what
you know now about me?

For the sake of science, I will keep
this knowledge from the others

for the moment.
Keep you alive.

But you must follow me, obey me,
be circumspect, make no disruption,
quietly do whatever work is given you.
I will watch over you.

Get a move on, you silly beast.
Friend, put that thing outside!
Anyone else disturbed?
Then let's take yet another boringly
democratic vote, shall we, Consuella?

It's Friend's day to make the food.
He must do this without help as we all do.
It's fundamental to our society that we do everything
for ourselves on a basis of absolute equality.

- And Friend knows that perfectly well.
- Yes or no?

Potatoes, yes or no?
I say get more Zeds to do the work.
We have eternal life, and yet we
sentence ourselves to all this drudgery.

I tell you, I'm sick of 200 years of washing up.
