What the hell's that?
Dog: Well how should I know?
Well smell it.
Dog: It's probably some ID she used to get out of the Down Under.
Dog: Oh, now we're in a big hurry.
Dog: Now if you'd listened to me last night instead of...
Dog: Wait a minute...you're not thinking of following that....
Dog: You, you listen to me Albert.
Dog: You, you'll get killed out there.
Dog: Albert. Albert. You come back here.
Dog: You idiot, you can't go down there. You listen to me.
Dog: Because some stinking female
knocked you on the head and bruised your ego,
Dog: there's no reason to become a callous juvenile.
Dog: You stop this instant Albert!.. Vic
Egg sucker.
All right.
Dog: Vic, please don't.
Dog: Please stop a minute, please stop.
Dog: I don't know what to say, there, how to make you understand.
Dog: Your not thinking clearly. You can't go down there...
Dog: An ever hope to come back and she knows it.
Dog: Down Unders hate solos. Enough
rover packs have raided down there and...
Dog: and raped their woman and stolen their food...
Dog: They'll have their defenses up
and they'll catch you and they'll kill you.
What the hell do you care?
You're always saying you'll better of without me anyway.
Dog: Oh forget about her, Vic. Let her go, let's look for Over the
Dog: You get tired of me, you find another partner somewhere,
Dog: Whatever you do, don't follow here down there.
I got to, Blood.
I got to.
Dog: Hasn't occurred to you how
convenient this whole operation has been?
Dog: How easy she was to spot and follow and how she
Dog: Just think about it Vic instead of walking
right into their hands. God knows what they'll do with you.