Dog: An ever hope to come back and she knows it.
Dog: Down Unders hate solos. Enough
rover packs have raided down there and...
Dog: and raped their woman and stolen their food...
Dog: They'll have their defenses up
and they'll catch you and they'll kill you.
What the hell do you care?
You're always saying you'll better of without me anyway.
Dog: Oh forget about her, Vic. Let her go, let's look for Over the
Dog: You get tired of me, you find another partner somewhere,
Dog: Whatever you do, don't follow here down there.
I got to, Blood.
I got to.
Dog: Hasn't occurred to you how
convenient this whole operation has been?
Dog: How easy she was to spot and follow and how she
Dog: Just think about it Vic instead of walking
right into their hands. God knows what they'll do with you.
Dog: We've been together long time, good or bad...
Dog: This could be the worst. I'm scared.
Dog: I'm scared you won't come back and I'll have to find some
Dog: rover to take me on.
Dog: You know most rovers are in
packs now, and I'm not that young anymore.
Dog: And I'll miss you, Vic.
Dog: I'll really miss you.
Try to get back as quick as I can.
Will you wait?
Dog: For a while, then...Over the Hill.