During five years of war...
...the illustrious Frederick had
so exhausted the males of his kingdom...
...that he had to employ recruiters...
...who would commit any crime,
including kidnapping...
...to keep supplied those brilliant
regiments of his with cannon fodder.
Good evening, sir.
I'm Captain Potzdorf.
To whom have I the honour of speaking?
Good evening. I'm Lieutenant Fakenham,
Gale's Regiment of Foot.
Pleased to meet you.
Can we be of assistance to you?
Thank you, but I am carrying urgent
despatches and must continue on my way.
And your destination?
Then you're obviously lost, Lieutenant.
Bremen is in the opposite direction.
Are you sure?
Wouldn't you know it!
My departure was so hasty that
my orderly forgot to prepare proper maps.
I understand.
Please, do not be offended, Lieutenant...
...but are you carrying
your identity papers?
Yes, of course.
May I see them?