Bye, see you soon.
Are you going to?
- I have an exam.
In three weeks, I'll be
at Jocelyne's wedding.
People used to take at least one
day off when one of their parents died.
Is that too much for a loved one?
Bunch of bastards.
We're in a hurry. A swimming suit
for her and trunks for me.
I could stay here for hours.
- Shall I call your work?
I'll tell them you're ill.
- I can do that myself.
They'll believe me. I never report sick.
And what about you?
I'll ask the caretaker to
hang a note on the door.
My students will come back tomorrow.
One day doesn't matter for dancing lessons.
I'm going for a swim and then we call them.
- Alright.
In the beginning, I lived close to
the Folies Bergère.
At night, I'd leave my door open,
hoping a girl would walk in.
But unfortunately...
Before I got married,
I was always in love.
When I'd see a guy I liked,
I wouldn't be able to sleep anymore.
He wasn't allowed to touch me,
but I also couldn't live without him.
I was so silly.
Next time, we bring towels.
It's incredible.
He creates sculptures from tires.