Faustrecht der Freiheit

By the way, we had
your personal belongings...

taken to your sister's.
- Can I help you, Mr. Biberkopf?
- No.

- How did he react?
- How do you think?

- He's pretty desperate.
- Nonsense!

People like that are
too insensitive to be desperate.

Now we must get rid
of this awful furniture.

I'm beginning to have

What a stupid bastard!
Fox, the lottery king,
conned like a sucker!

You're stupid and primitive.
Yeah, I take after you.
After me, you idiot?
That would never have
happened to me.

Stop it, Hedwig!
I can't take anymore.

I'm done in.
By the way, you owe me money.
I paid the courier service...
that your friend used
to send your things here.

He made you pay
for the delivery?

- That takes the cake!
- You owe me 76 marks.

76 marks!
Yeah, you'll get your 76 marks.
Here! The rest's
for your trouble!

It serves you right.
You're useless.

A good-for-nothing.
And you wanted to be
a businessman!

All you're fit for
is the fairground.

You loser!
If Mom were still alive...
What then?
What difference would it make?
Do you think
Mom would diaper you...

and put you to bed
with a pacifier?
