We'll go to the back room.
You haven't changed in five years.
That's a load.
Grandma's inheritance.
We want top price.
All right.
I'll see the Armenian tomorrow.
You know his terms?
You'll get your cut,
but be quick.
Thursday good?
- 4:00.
- Fine.
Mado, bring us a bottle.
"Officer Schmitt Dies
as Result of Injuries."
That's pure Buisson.
Description fits.
That's his style.
The guy escapes,
forms a new team,
and he's back in business.
He doesn't waste any time.
Unlike you.
You're not getting anywhere.
How can I get him in a week?
- The press says you're a super cop.
- I could do without the press.
Listen up.
Just get moving.
Central will spare no effort.
What exactly are you doing?
Aside from smoking
one cigarette after another?
Watching his brother's place.
Central's guys are there already.
Find something else.
I'm looking, Chief.