I'll bust your balls.
You'll never use them again, you swine.
Never again!
So that wasn't Emile Buisson with you?
It was...
What was his name?
Repeat your bullshit.
Repeat it!
George Muller!
That's the name I knew him by.
I'll make you eat your own shit,
you bastard,
if you go on taking me for a jerk!
You're not in the slammer yet, buddy.
He says the guy on the roof
wasn't Buisson.
We'll see if your statement
matches your sister's.
Then we'll have a talk.
You got a minute, Lucien?
Now what is it?
You know.
Want me to give gifts
to a guy who kills a cop?
Maybe it wasn't him.
You can do your job without that.
Roger, you're starting
to get on our nerves.