Grey Gardens

Do you know what I mean ?
It's awfully difficult.

[ Mrs. Beale ] That is
a beautiful ocean today; isn't it ?

What color would you say
that was ? Sort of sapphire ?

I've never seen
anything like that ocean.

The 50 years I've been here--
the best in 50 years.
Oh; Edie; are you around?
- Oh; Edie!
- I haven't been out of this
goddamn horrible place...

in two years.
God, if you knew how I felt.
I'm ready to kill.

Well; they're not going
to take you to the beach.

- Brooks wants his...
his check, Mother darling.
-All right; give me the--

- He's at the door.
- I told you I should do it now.

Twenty-four bucks for three cuttings.
Just a minute.

I told you--
Better bring the pen.

I locked all the cats away.
-[ Cats Meowing ]
- Don't be so mean.
They don't wanna be locked away.

The poor little kitties.
You know kitties adore sun.

I suppose I won't get out
of here till she dies or I die.

- Who's she ? The cat ?
- I don't know when
I'm gonna get out of here.

- Why do you want to get out ?
Another place'd be much worse.
- 'Cause I don't like it.

- Any place will be much worse.
- Here.

- Any place on earth.
- Yeah, but I like freedom.

Well, you can't get it, darling.
You're being supported.

- You can't get any freedom
when you're being supported.
- Yeah; but--

- You can't ?
- No;you can't.

- I think you're not free when
you're not being supported.
- You have to toe the mark.

- It's awful both ways.
- Well;you don't look it.

You look very young
for 56 years of age.

Don't you remember
what you told me--

- I'd just like a couple of days
on the beach, that's all.
- What was it you told me ?

- Twenty-four bucks.
- You don't have to scream that out.

When are you gonna learn, Edie ?
You're in this world, you know.

You're not out of the world.
[ Edie Sighs ]
