
Summer's over.
Y ou're the Mayor of Shark City.

These people think
you want the beaches open.

I was acting in the towrs best interest.
Y ou were acting
in the towrs best interest.

That's why you're gonna do the right thing.
That's why you're gonna sign this, and
we're gonna pay that guy what he wants.

My kids were on that beach, too.
Sign it, Larry.
- $200 a day, whether I catch him or not.
- You've got it.

Get the Mayor off my back
so I don't have more zoning crap.

Y ou've got that.
One case of apricot brandy,
and you buy the lunch.

Two cases.
And you get dinner when you get back.

Champagne, pâté de foie gras,
Iranian caviar...

...and don't forget the color TV.
Y ou try this. Made it myself.
Pretty good stuff.

Here's to swimmir
with bow-legged women.

Excuse me, Chief.
Can't get a good man these days, under 60.
All gone at least 35 years.
Don't drink that.
Y ou'll need an extra hand.
- This is Matt Hooper.
- I know.

- I've crewed three Trans Pacs.
- Transplants?

- He's from the Oceanographic Institute.
- And an America's Cup trial.
