in the thing itself, or of the thing itself.
Yeah, I've said that many times.
Boris, we must believe in God.
If I could just see a miracle,
just one miracle.
If I could see a burning bush,
or the seas part, or...
Or my Uncle Sasha pick up a check.
We should go back downstairs.
By now
the last golden streaks of the sunset
are vanishing behind the western hills.
Soon the dark blanket of night
shall settle over us all.
Hey, you've been going
to finishing school.
Hey, are you dating any Russians
I should know about?
Well, Minskov has proposed.
And he's very sweet and wealthy.
But the age difference is too great.
I'm 28 and he's 81 .
- Oh, that is big.
- When I'm 50, he'll be 103.
That's a bad age for a man. They slow up.
And Voskovec
has made his intentions clear.
But he deals in herring,
and he always smells of it.
He even bought me
herring-scented cologne.
That's probably
why the cat follows you around.
Love is everything, Boris.
I wanna meet some man
and scale the heights of passion.
Some man who embodies
the three great aspects of love.
Intellectual, spiritual and sensual.
Well, there's not too many of us
around, but it can be done.
- So many women settle cheaply.
- I know. Poor things.
- They marry for money.
- Money! Well, money.
But I feel as though
my life would be wasted
if I didn't love deeply
with a man whose mind I respected,
whose spirituality equalled mine,
and who had the same lustful appetite
for sensual passion that drives me insane.
You're an incredibly complex woman.
I guess you could say
I'm half saint, half whore.
Here's hoping I get the half that eats.