Napoleon, he believes in war.
What are you going to do when
the French soldiers rape your sister?
- I don't have one.
- That's no answer.
- They won't rape lvan. They'd throw up.
- Don't disgrace me in front of my friends.
What good is war? We kill Frenchmen,
they kill Russians, then it's Easter.
Boris, you're talking about Mother Russia.
She's not my mother. My mother wouldn't
let her youngest get shrapnel in his gums.
- Get away from me.
- I can't believe what I'm seeing.
- He has a yellow streak down his back.
- No, it runs across.
- Boris, you're a coward.
- Yes, but a militant coward.
Boris. Medals... We'll get medals.
Take it easy, lvan.
You've got to cut down on your raw meat.
He'll go and he'll fight.
And I hope they will put him
in the front lines.
Thanks a lot, Mum. My mother, folks.
This is crazy. I can't shoot a gun.
I was meant to write poetry.
Sonja, I'm not the army type.
I slept with the light on till I was 30.
I can't shower with other men.
Friends. My friends.
On the eve of this glorious occasion,
I have an announcement to make.
Because we go into battle, perhaps
never to see our loved ones again,
I wish to announce
that tomorrow I intend to marry.
I'm going to take as my bride
a woman I have grown up with.
Anna lvanova.
I'm sorry. I should have told you.
I also have an announcement to make.
Tomorrow, I too get married.
I have been proposed to
and have accepted the hand of
Sergei lvanovich Minskov.
Yes... I mean Leonid Voskovec,
the herring merchant.