Love and Death

- Boris.
- Yes?

I have a confession to make.
Ever since you and I were little children,
I've been in love with your brother lvan.
It's only nat...
Ivan? You're kidding! He can barely write
his name in the ground with a stick.

He has true animal magnetism.
All that talk about some perfect love
and you're hot for lvan?

- He kissed me.
- Any place I should know?

- It warmed the cockles of my heart.
- Great. Nothing like hot cockles.

I think he's going to propose to me.
But he's a gambler and a drinker,
with a Neanderthal mentality.

I mean, I love him like a brother.
Just not one of mine.

Do you hear that commotion?
What's going on downstairs?

Have you heard the news?
Napoleon has invaded Austria.

- Why? ls he out of Courvoisier?
- A chance to taste the glories of battle.

Check with me when it's over...
- No, Boris. You're going to fight.
- You're gonna have your head examined.

- We leave the day after tomorrow.
- Fellas, I'm a pacifist.

- I don't believe in war.
- He doesn't believe in war.

Napoleon, he believes in war.
What are you going to do when
the French soldiers rape your sister?

- I don't have one.
- That's no answer.

- They won't rape lvan. They'd throw up.
- Don't disgrace me in front of my friends.

What good is war? We kill Frenchmen,
they kill Russians, then it's Easter.

Boris, you're talking about Mother Russia.
She's not my mother. My mother wouldn't
let her youngest get shrapnel in his gums.

- Get away from me.
- I can't believe what I'm seeing.

- He has a yellow streak down his back.
- No, it runs across.

- Boris, you're a coward.
- Yes, but a militant coward.

Boris. Medals... We'll get medals.
Take it easy, lvan.
You've got to cut down on your raw meat.

He'll go and he'll fight.
And I hope they will put him
in the front lines.

Thanks a lot, Mum. My mother, folks.
This is crazy. I can't shoot a gun.
I was meant to write poetry.

Sonja, I'm not the army type.
I slept with the light on till I was 30.
