Goodbye. I hope you had a good time.
I did. I had a good time.
What's this sore on my lip?
I'd better see the doctor.
Doc, I have this sore on my lip.
- You have a social disease, my friend.
- Oh, my God.
If you do not treat it, you will go blind.
Or insane!
Well, men. That is the end of the play.
Have a good time on your furlough,
but look after yourselves!
- Well, what did you think of the play?
- It was weak. I was never interested.
Although the doctor
was played with gusto.
The girl had a delightful cameo role.
A satire of contemporary mores, a spoof
aimed more at the heart than the head.
I'm planning to spend
the next three days in a brothel.
- Can't you come with me?
- No. I went to a brothel once in my life.
I got hiccups. It was over like that.
And there's someone I must see
in Saint Petersburg.
Well, have fun.
I think the Magic Flute
is Mozart's greatest opera.
It's a hell of an opera, isn't it?
Do they sell popcorn?
We're so delighted you decided
to spend your furlough with us.
You were always our favourite nephew.
Even though you are
an incredible coward.
Thank you so much.
Any news of cousin Sonja?
Only that she and Voskovec
are unhappy and she takes lovers.
- She takes uppers?
- Lovers.
Oh, lovers.
Hey. Who is that?
That's the Countess Alexandrovna.
One of the most enticing women
in Saint Petersburg.
Ample bosoms, yes?
I'd say ample for a regiment.
She's recently widowed.
They say her husband, the Count,
died in her arms
trying to satisfy
her prodigious sexual desires.
No kidding! Died smiling, I bet.
Who's the character with her
with the wry moustache?