- Now stand aside, worthy adversary.
- 'Tis but a scratch.
- A scratch? Your arm's off.
- No, it isn't.
- What's that, then?
- I've had worse.
- You liar!
- Come on, you pansy!
Victory is mine.
We thank Thee, Lord,
that in Thy mercy--
- Come on.
- What?
Have at you!
You are indeed brave,
but the fight is mine.
Had enough, eh?
You stupid bastard,
you've got no arms left.
- Yes, I have.
- Look!
It's just a flesh wound.
- Stop that!
- Chicken!
I'll have your leg! Right!
- Right!
- I'll do you for that.
- You'll what?
- Come here.
- Are you going to bleed on me?
- I'm invincible!
You're loony.
The Black Knight always triumphs!
Have at you!
Come on, then.
All right, we'll call it a draw.
Come, Patsy.
I see. Running away, eh?
You yellow bastards! Come back here
and take what's coming to you !
I'll bite your legs off!